Fixes a bug that causes text to be clipped with some stroke settings.Fixes a bug that causes playlist imports to show two copies of the imported presentations in the library.Fixes an issue with slide builds only using the cut transition instead of the specified transition.Fixes a bug that causes font selection to be unavailable when moving between editors.Fixes a bug that causes the clear action to only cut instead of using the selected transition.

Fixes an issue with audio inputs that operate at a sample rate other than 48k.Fixes a bug that causes chord charts to not be included with presentation bundle exports.Fixes a bug that causes list settings to not apply with the theme.Fixes an issue with stage message visibility links not hiding and showing the object when expected.Fixes an issue where clearing to logo does not transition as expected.Fixes a bug that causes text to be clipped when the line height is set to a value less than 1.Fixes a bug that causes the text to appear doubled while editing.Fixes an issue where clearing and triggering props transitions incorrectly.New! Adds support for macOS Big Sur, Apple Silicon including the new M1 processor, & Apple’s Metal platform for significantly increased graphic performance.New! Adds in-app licensing option for “active” or “inactive” allowing users to use a computer registered as “inactive” for editing with Bibles.New! Adds multiple additions to linked objects including: Current & Next Slide Group Name, Current & Next Playlist Item, Number of Remaining Slides, & so much more!.New! Adds the ability to set line fill to current line width or max line width.